Computer-Oriented Geoscience Lab

IAG | Science Day 2024

by Yago Moreira Castro | 2024/09/23

This month, Arthur Siqueira de Macêdo and I had the opportunity to present our MSc projects at the IAG | Science Day. This event gathers members of the IAG for 5-minute presentations, where researchers give concise summaries of their work to a broad audience from our institute. It was a challenging but interesting experience, as we’re not used to delivering such brief presentations, but it pushed us to communicate our ideas clearly and efficiently.

Presenter (light-skinned male in a white t-shirt) next to presentation screen with a slide containing a diagram about aeromagnetic surveys. Also seen are the backs of the heads of 7 audience members.
Arthur presenting his MSc project at IAG | Science Day 2024
Presenter (light-skinned male in a green shirt) next to presentation screen with a slide containing a Magali`s logo (a watermelon-like figure in which its seeds resemble magnetic dipoles, followed by the project's name). Also seen are the backs of the heads of 3 audience members.
Yago presenting his MSc project at IAG | Science Day 2024

Watch the talks

Integração de dados aerogeofísicos em escala continental. Arthur Siqueira de Macêdo.
Magalí: Modelling and inversion of magnetic microscopy data. Moreira Castro.

Get the slides

My presentation is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License and is available in the GitHub repository YagoMCastro/science-day-2024-magali.

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