.. _overview: Overview ======== The library ----------- All functionality in xlandsat is available from the base namespace of the :mod:`xlandsat` package. This means that you can access all of them with a single import: .. jupyter-execute:: # xlandsat is usually imported as xls import xlandsat as xls Download a sample scene ----------------------- .. jupyter-execute:: import pooch path = pooch.retrieve( "doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.21665630.v1/cropped-after.tar.gz", known_hash="md5:4ae61a2d7a8b853c727c0c433680cece", ) print(path) Load the scene -------------- .. jupyter-execute:: scene = xls.load_scene(path) scene Plot some bands --------------- .. jupyter-execute:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt scene.nir.plot() plt.axis("scaled") plt.show() Make a composite ---------------- .. jupyter-execute:: composite = xls.composite(scene, rescale_to=[0, 0.2]) scene = scene.assign(rgb=composite) scene Plot the composite ------------------ .. jupyter-execute:: scene.rgb.plot.imshow() plt.axis("scaled") plt.title(f"{scene.attrs['title']}\n{scene.rgb.attrs['long_name']}") plt.show()