
The library#

All functionality in xlandsat is available from the base namespace of the xlandsat package. This means that you can access all of them with a single import:

# xlandsat is usually imported as xls
import xlandsat as xls

Download a sample scene#

As an example, lets download a tar archive of a Landsat 8 scene of the Brumadinho tailings dam disaster that happened in 2019 in Brazil. The archive is available on figshare at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21665630.v1 and includes scenes from before and after the disaster as both the full scene and a cropped version.

We’ll use pooch to download the scenes from before and after the disaster to our computer. To save space and bandwidth, we’ll use the cropped version here.

import pooch

path_before = pooch.retrieve(
path_after = pooch.retrieve(


Running the code above will only download the data once since Pooch is smart enough to check if the file already exists on your computer. See pooch.retrieve for more information.

See also

If you want to use the full scene instead of the cropped version, substitute the file name to full-after.tar.gz and full-before.tar.gz. Don’t forget to also update the MD5 hashes accordingly, which you can find on the figshare archive.

Load the scenes#

Now that we have paths to the tar archives of the scenes, we can use xlandsat.load_scene to read the bands and metadata directly from the archives (without unpacking):

before = xls.load_scene(path_before)
Dimensions:   (easting: 400, northing: 300)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.835e+05 5.835e+05 ... 5.954e+05 5.955e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
Data variables:
    blue      (northing, easting) float16 0.07288 0.07373 ... 0.06506 0.06653
    green     (northing, easting) float16 0.09851 0.099 ... 0.0835 0.08716
    red       (northing, easting) float16 0.1035 0.1041 ... 0.07959 0.08423
    nir       (northing, easting) float16 0.2803 0.2749 0.3203 ... 0.2118 0.2267
    swir1     (northing, easting) float16 0.2467 0.2474 0.2147 ... 0.172 0.1769
    swir2     (northing, easting) float16 0.1571 0.1571 0.1281 ... 0.1171 0.1206
Attributes: (12/19)
    Conventions:                CF-1.8
    title:                      Landsat 8 scene from 2019-01-14 (path/row=218...
    digital_object_identifier:  https://doi.org/10.5066/P9OGBGM6
    origin:                     Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
    landsat_product_id:         LC08_L2SP_218074_20190114_20200829_02_T1
    processing_level:           L2SP
    ...                         ...
    ellipsoid:                  WGS84
    date_acquired:              2019-01-14
    scene_center_time:          12:57:13.1804960Z
    wrs_path:                   218
    wrs_row:                    74
    mtl_file:                   GROUP = LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE\n  GROUP = PROD...

And the after scene:

after = xls.load_scene(path_after)
Dimensions:   (easting: 400, northing: 300)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.844e+05 5.844e+05 ... 5.963e+05 5.964e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
Data variables:
    blue      (northing, easting) float16 0.0686 0.07043 ... 0.05823 0.0564
    green     (northing, easting) float16 0.1027 0.09839 ... 0.07593 0.07043
    red       (northing, easting) float16 0.09778 0.09778 ... 0.06799 0.06177
    nir       (northing, easting) float16 0.2988 0.2715 0.2881 ... 0.2637 0.251
    swir1     (northing, easting) float16 0.2311 0.2274 0.2316 ... 0.1608 0.142
    swir2     (northing, easting) float16 0.145 0.1442 0.144 ... 0.09961 0.08655
Attributes: (12/19)
    Conventions:                CF-1.8
    title:                      Landsat 8 scene from 2019-01-30 (path/row=218...
    digital_object_identifier:  https://doi.org/10.5066/P9OGBGM6
    origin:                     Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
    landsat_product_id:         LC08_L2SP_218074_20190130_20200829_02_T1
    processing_level:           L2SP
    ...                         ...
    ellipsoid:                  WGS84
    date_acquired:              2019-01-30
    scene_center_time:          12:57:09.1851220Z
    wrs_path:                   218
    wrs_row:                    74
    mtl_file:                   GROUP = LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE\n  GROUP = PROD...

Did you notice?

If you look carefully at the coordinates for each scene, you may notice that they don’t exactly coincide in area. That’s OK since xarray knows how to take the pixel coordinates into account when doing mathematical operations like calculating indices and differences between scenes.

Plot some reflectance bands#

Now we can use the xarray.DataArray.plot method to make plots of individual bands with matplotlib. A bonus is that xarray uses the metadata that xlandsat.load_scene inserts into the scene to automatically add labels and annotations to the plot.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12))

# Make the pseudocolor plots of the near infrared band

# Set the title using metadata from each scene
ax1.set_title(f"Before: {before.attrs['title']}")
ax2.set_title(f"After: {after.attrs['title']}")

# Set the aspect to equal so that pixels are squares, not rectangles


Make composites#

Plotting individual bands is good but we usually want to make some composite images to visualize information from multiple bands at once. Let’s make both RGB (true color) and CIR (color infrared) composites for both of our scenes using xlandsat.composite:

# Make the composite and add it as a variable to the scene
before = before.assign(rgb=xls.composite(before, rescale_to=[0, 0.2]))
cir_bands = ("nir", "red", "green")
before = before.assign(
    cir=xls.composite(before, bands=cir_bands, rescale_to=[0, 0.4]),
Dimensions:   (easting: 400, northing: 300, channel: 4)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.835e+05 5.835e+05 ... 5.954e+05 5.955e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
  * channel   (channel) <U5 'red' 'green' 'blue' 'alpha'
Data variables:
    blue      (northing, easting) float16 0.07288 0.07373 ... 0.06506 0.06653
    green     (northing, easting) float16 0.09851 0.099 ... 0.0835 0.08716
    red       (northing, easting) float16 0.1035 0.1041 ... 0.07959 0.08423
    nir       (northing, easting) float16 0.2803 0.2749 0.3203 ... 0.2118 0.2267
    swir1     (northing, easting) float16 0.2467 0.2474 0.2147 ... 0.172 0.1769
    swir2     (northing, easting) float16 0.1571 0.1571 0.1281 ... 0.1171 0.1206
    rgb       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 132 125 92 255 ... 111 84 255
    cir       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 178 66 62 255 ... 144 53 55 255
Attributes: (12/19)
    Conventions:                CF-1.8
    title:                      Landsat 8 scene from 2019-01-14 (path/row=218...
    digital_object_identifier:  https://doi.org/10.5066/P9OGBGM6
    origin:                     Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
    landsat_product_id:         LC08_L2SP_218074_20190114_20200829_02_T1
    processing_level:           L2SP
    ...                         ...
    ellipsoid:                  WGS84
    date_acquired:              2019-01-14
    scene_center_time:          12:57:13.1804960Z
    wrs_path:                   218
    wrs_row:                    74
    mtl_file:                   GROUP = LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE\n  GROUP = PROD...

The composites have a similar layout as the bands but with an extra "channel" dimension corresponding to red, green, blue, and alpha/transparency. The values are scaled to the [0, 255] range and the composite is an array of unsigned 8-bit integers.


If any of the bands used for the composite have NaNs, those pixels will have their transparency set to the maximum value of 255. If there are no NaNs in any band, then the composite will only have 3 channels (red, green, blue).

Now do the same for the after scene:

after = after.assign(rgb=xls.composite(after, rescale_to=[0, 0.2]))
after = after.assign(
    cir=xls.composite(after, bands=cir_bands, rescale_to=[0, 0.4]),
Dimensions:   (easting: 400, northing: 300, channel: 4)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.844e+05 5.844e+05 ... 5.963e+05 5.964e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
  * channel   (channel) <U5 'red' 'green' 'blue' 'alpha'
Data variables:
    blue      (northing, easting) float16 0.0686 0.07043 ... 0.05823 0.0564
    green     (northing, easting) float16 0.1027 0.09839 ... 0.07593 0.07043
    red       (northing, easting) float16 0.09778 0.09778 ... 0.06799 0.06177
    nir       (northing, easting) float16 0.2988 0.2715 0.2881 ... 0.2637 0.251
    swir1     (northing, easting) float16 0.2311 0.2274 0.2316 ... 0.1608 0.142
    swir2     (northing, easting) float16 0.145 0.1442 0.144 ... 0.09961 0.08655
    rgb       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 124 131 87 255 ... 78 89 71 255
    cir       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 190 62 65 255 ... 160 39 44 255
Attributes: (12/19)
    Conventions:                CF-1.8
    title:                      Landsat 8 scene from 2019-01-30 (path/row=218...
    digital_object_identifier:  https://doi.org/10.5066/P9OGBGM6
    origin:                     Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
    landsat_product_id:         LC08_L2SP_218074_20190130_20200829_02_T1
    processing_level:           L2SP
    ...                         ...
    ellipsoid:                  WGS84
    date_acquired:              2019-01-30
    scene_center_time:          12:57:09.1851220Z
    wrs_path:                   218
    wrs_row:                    74
    mtl_file:                   GROUP = LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE\n  GROUP = PROD...

Plot the composites#

Composites can be plotted using xarray.DataArray.plot.imshow (using plot won’t work and will display histograms instead). Let’s make the before and after figures again for each of the composites we generated.

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12))

# Plot the composites

# The "long_name" of the composite is the band combination
ax1.set_title(f"Before: {before.rgb.attrs['long_name']}")
ax2.set_title(f"After: {after.rgb.attrs['long_name']}")



And now the CIR composites:

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12))


ax1.set_title(f"Before: {before.cir.attrs['long_name']}")
ax2.set_title(f"After: {after.cir.attrs['long_name']}")



Calculating indices#

Producing indices from these scenes is straightforward thanks to xarray’s excelled support for coordinate-aware operations. As an example, let’s calculate the NDVI:

before = before.assign(
    ndvi=(before.nir - before.red) / (before.nir + before.red),
after = after.assign(
    ndvi=(after.nir - after.red) / (after.nir + after.red),

# Set some metadata for xarray to find
before.ndvi.attrs["long_name"] = "normalized difference vegetation index"
before.ndvi.attrs["units"] = "dimensionless"
after.ndvi.attrs["long_name"] = "normalized difference vegetation index"
after.ndvi.attrs["units"] = "dimensionless"

Dimensions:   (easting: 400, northing: 300, channel: 4)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.844e+05 5.844e+05 ... 5.963e+05 5.964e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
  * channel   (channel) <U5 'red' 'green' 'blue' 'alpha'
Data variables:
    blue      (northing, easting) float16 0.0686 0.07043 ... 0.05823 0.0564
    green     (northing, easting) float16 0.1027 0.09839 ... 0.07593 0.07043
    red       (northing, easting) float16 0.09778 0.09778 ... 0.06799 0.06177
    nir       (northing, easting) float16 0.2988 0.2715 0.2881 ... 0.2637 0.251
    swir1     (northing, easting) float16 0.2311 0.2274 0.2316 ... 0.1608 0.142
    swir2     (northing, easting) float16 0.145 0.1442 0.144 ... 0.09961 0.08655
    rgb       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 124 131 87 255 ... 78 89 71 255
    cir       (northing, easting, channel) uint8 190 62 65 255 ... 160 39 44 255
    ndvi      (northing, easting) float16 0.5073 0.4705 0.4907 ... 0.5903 0.605
Attributes: (12/19)
    Conventions:                CF-1.8
    title:                      Landsat 8 scene from 2019-01-30 (path/row=218...
    digital_object_identifier:  https://doi.org/10.5066/P9OGBGM6
    origin:                     Image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey
    landsat_product_id:         LC08_L2SP_218074_20190130_20200829_02_T1
    processing_level:           L2SP
    ...                         ...
    ellipsoid:                  WGS84
    date_acquired:              2019-01-30
    scene_center_time:          12:57:09.1851220Z
    wrs_path:                   218
    wrs_row:                    74
    mtl_file:                   GROUP = LANDSAT_METADATA_FILE\n  GROUP = PROD...

And now we can make pseudocolor plots of the NDVI:

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 12))

# Limit the scale to [-1, +1] so the plots are easier to compare
before.ndvi.plot(ax=ax1, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="RdBu_r")
after.ndvi.plot(ax=ax2, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="RdBu_r")

ax1.set_title(f"Before: {before.attrs['title']}")
ax2.set_title(f"After: {after.attrs['title']}")



Finally, we can calculate the change in NDVI from one scene to the other by taking the difference:

ndvi_change = before.ndvi - after.ndvi
ndvi_change.name = "ndvi_change"
ndvi_change.attrs["long_name"] = (
    f"NDVI change between {before.attrs['date_acquired']} and "
<xarray.DataArray 'ndvi_change' (northing: 300, easting: 370)>
array([[ 0.05908 ,  0.06323 ,  0.0542  , ...,  0.004395, -0.009766,
         0.07324 ],
       [ 0.0498  ,  0.07764 ,  0.07495 , ...,  0.0957  ,  0.012695,
       [-0.010254,  0.11743 ,  0.0747  , ...,  0.03125 ,  0.01807 ,
         0.04004 ],
       [-0.000977,  0.01123 ,  0.000977, ...,  0.00928 ,  0.01367 ,
         0.00708 ],
       [ 0.00879 ,  0.02344 ,  0.01318 , ...,  0.006836,  0.00586 ,
       [-0.01221 ,  0.02637 ,  0.006836, ...,  0.01343 ,  0.01221 ,
         0.0105  ]], dtype=float16)
  * easting   (easting) float64 5.844e+05 5.844e+05 ... 5.954e+05 5.955e+05
  * northing  (northing) float64 -2.232e+06 -2.232e+06 ... -2.223e+06 -2.223e+06
    long_name:  NDVI change between 2019-01-14 and 2019-01-30

Did you notice?

The keen-eyed among you may have noticed that the number of points along the "easting" dimension has decreased. This is because xarray only makes the calculations for pixels where the two scenes coincide. In this case, there was an East-West shift between scenes but our calculations take that into account.

Now lets plot it:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 6))
ndvi_change.plot(ax=ax, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="RdBu_r")

There’s some noise in the cloudy areas of both scenes in the northeast but otherwise this plots highlights the area affected by flooding from the dam collapse in bright red at the center.

What now?#

By getting the data into an xarray.Dataset, xlandsat opens the door for a huge range of operations. You now have access to everything that xarray can do: interpolation, reduction, slicing, grouping, saving to cloud-optimized formats, and much more. So go off and do something cool!