.. _changes: Changelog ========= Version 0.4.0 ------------- Released on: 2023/09/28 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8348805 Bug fixes: * Bug fix: Use np.abs in pansharpen to avoid sign issues (`#34 `__) New features and improvements: * Add function for histogram equalization (`#40 `__ `#54 `__) * Add function to fill missing values by interpolation (`#36 `__) * Faster version of cropped loading using less RAM (`#28 `__) * Add sample data for Manaus, Brazil (`#49 `__) * Add sample data from Mount Roraima (`#39 `__) * Add sample data for the Momotombo eruption (`#32 `__) Documentation: * Tutorial about the many ways to read data (`#57 `__) * Add section on Indices tutorial about other indices (`#55 `__) * Add a trigger warning and update the indices tutorial (`#53 `__) * Use the Manaus data in the Composites tutorial (`#52 `__) * Expand the Overview page and use the Manaus data (`#51 `__) * Fill missing and equalization in overlay tutorial (`#45 `__) * Fix wrong mention of color in indices tutorial (`#44 `__) * Rework and expand the composites tutorial (`#37 `__) * Add a tutorial on how to overlay bands on RGB (`#33 `__) * Make README preview image full width (`#26 `__) * Add a logo for the project (`#43 `__) * Add Community guides (`#27 `__) Maintenance: * Add Issue templates with a release checklist (`#58 `__) * Add missing Scipy dependency (`#56 `__) * Update Leo's affiliation to USP (`#50 `__) * Fix version number for uploading to TestPyPI (`#48 `__) * Fetch data files from GitHub instead of figshare (`#47 `__) * Host sample data files on GitHub (`#46 `__) * Add testing and support for Python 3.11 (`#35 `__) * Use the tifffile plugin for IO instead of PIL (`#31 `__) * Update jupyter-sphinx and add ipykernel (`#30 `__) * Move the Authorship Guidelines to the lab manual (`#29 `__) This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.3.0 ------------- Released on: 2023/02/08 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7619773 New features: * Create a datasets module to automate downloading: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/24 * Add pansharpening (Weighted Brovey Transform): https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/23 Documentation: * Add a favicon image to the docs: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/22 This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.2.0 ------------- Released on: 2023/01/20 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7553891 New features: * Add the ``save_scene`` function to save a scene back to a tar file: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/19 This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on: 2022/12/06 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7402498 New features: * Add option to load only selected bands: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/13 * Add option to crop a scene as its being loaded: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/14 Documentation: * Add full docstrings to the 2 API functions: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/3 * Use a p instead of h2 for the README tagline: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/4 * Add full docstrings to the 2 API functions: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/5 * Use the "all versions" Zenodo DOI in citation: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/7 * Expand and populate the Overview tutorial: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/8 Maintenance: * Default to float16 for loading scenes: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/15 * Add codecov configuration file to control reports: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/6 * Add tests for folder reading and > 1 MTL files: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/11 * Add test for missing metadata files: https://github.com/compgeolab/xlandsat/pull/12 This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda Version 0.0.1 ------------- Released on: 2022/12/04 doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7395474 **First release of xlandsat!** This first release provides: * A function to get Landsat 8 and 9 Collection 2 Level 2 scenes downloaded from `USGS EarthExplorer `__ into an :class:`xarray.Dataset`. * A function to generate a composite as an :class:`xarray.DataArray` that can be easily plotted with xarray's machinery. This release contains contributions from: * Leonardo Uieda