Computer-Oriented Geoscience Lab

News from the lab

The latest news and updates from CompGeoLab members.

More news items can be found in: News and lab updates.

About us

The CompGeoLab is a research group based at the Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. We are experts in solving inverse problems in the field of Geophysics, particularly in gravity and magnetic methods (AKA potential-field methods). Inverse problems are the means by which geoscientists image the inside of the Earth and other planets. For example, we are able to determine the inner density distribution of the Earth from measured disturbances in the Earth’s gravity field. We are also champions of open science and reproducible research. All of our teaching and research efforts are symbiotic with the development of open source software for geoscience.

Figure with four panels. Top left is a map showing red and blue blobs and black squares surrounding each one. Top right is a map of Antarctica with red and blue points overlaid covering a large portion of the continent. Bottom left is a spherical 8-sided prism on top of the globe with white lines showing how it's broken up irregularly. Bottom right are two maps of South America, one colored green to yellow representing the Moho depth, larger around the Andes and smaller in towards the Atlantic coast, the other has scattered colored dots showing larger differences in the Andes and smaller elsewhere.
Example research outputs. Top left: automatic detection of anomalies in magnetic microscopy data. Top right: compilation of airborne magnetic data for Antarctica. Bottom left: a tesseroid (spherical prism) discretized with our adaptive algorithm for gravity modeling. Bottom right: estimated Moho depth for South America from gravity data (left) and the misfit with seismological estimates (right).

Open source

Our team works on several tools and projects, both developed in-house and across the larger scientific ecosystem:

We also publish all of the code and data needed to reproduce our projects on our GitHub organization.