Source code for xlandsat._io

# Copyright (c) 2022 The xlandsat developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
Main I/O functions for loading the scenes into xarray.
import io
import pathlib
import re
import tarfile

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

    1: "coastal_aerosol",
    2: "blue",
    3: "green",
    4: "red",
    5: "nir",
    6: "swir1",
    7: "swir2",
    10: "thermal",
    1: "coastal aerosol",
    2: "blue",
    3: "green",
    4: "red",
    5: "near-infrared",
    6: "short-wave infrared 1",
    7: "short-wave infrared 2",
    10: "thermal",
    1: "reflectance",
    2: "reflectance",
    3: "reflectance",
    4: "reflectance",
    5: "reflectance",
    6: "reflectance",
    7: "reflectance",
    10: "Kelvin",

[docs]def load_scene(path, bands=None, region=None, dtype="float16"): """ Load a Landsat scene downloaded from USGS EarthExplorer. Can read from a folder with ``*.TIF`` files and an ``*_MTL.txt`` file or directly from a tar archive (compressed or not) without the need to first unpack the archive. The bands are converted to reflectance/temperature units using appropriate scaling parameters and UTM coordinates are set in the returned :class:`xarray.Dataset`. .. important:: Do not rename the TIF or MTL files. The folder/archive can have any name but TIF and MTL files need their original names. .. note:: Only supports Landsat 8 and 9 Collection 2 Level 2 scenes. Parameters ---------- path : str or :class:`pathlib.Path` The path to a folder or tar archive containing the files for a given scene. **Must** include the ``*_MTL.txt`` metadata file. Not all band files need to be present. bands : None or list List of band names to load. If None, will load all bands present in the folder/archive. See below for valid band names. Default is None. region : None or list Crop the scene to this bounding box given as a list of West, East, South, and North coordinate values (UTM in meters). If None, no cropping is performed on the scene. Default is None. dtype : str or numpy dtype object The type used for the band arrays. Integer types will result in rounding so floating point is recommended. Default is float16. Returns ------- scene : :class:`xarray.Dataset` The loaded scene including UTM easting and northing as dimensional coordinates, bands as 2D arrays of the given type as variables, and metadata read from the MTL file and other CF compliant fields in the ``attrs`` attribute. Notes ----- The valid band names for Landsat 8 and 9 are: ====== ===================== Number Name ====== ===================== 1 ``"coastal_aerosol"`` 2 ``"blue"`` 3 ``"green"`` 4 ``"red"`` 5 ``"nir"`` 6 ``"swir1"`` 7 ``"swir2"`` 10 ``"thermal"`` ====== ===================== """ path = pathlib.Path(path) if bands is None: bands = BAND_NAMES.values() if path.is_file() and ".tar" in path.suffixes: reader_class = TarReader else: reader_class = FolderReader with reader_class(path) as reader: metadata = reader.read_metadata() available_bands = [int(str(f).split("_B")[-1][:-4]) for f in reader.band_files] scene_region = ( metadata["corner_ll_projection_x_product"], metadata["corner_lr_projection_x_product"], metadata["corner_ll_projection_y_product"], metadata["corner_ul_projection_y_product"], ) shape = (metadata["reflective_lines"], metadata["reflective_samples"]) coords = { "easting": np.linspace(*scene_region[:2], shape[1]), "northing": np.linspace(*scene_region[2:], shape[0]), } data_vars = {} dims = ("northing", "easting") for number, fname in zip(available_bands, reader.band_files): if BAND_NAMES[number] not in bands: continue mult, add = None, None mult_entries = [f"mult_band_{number}", f"mult_band_st_b{number}"] add_entries = [f"add_band_{number}", f"add_band_st_b{number}"] for key in metadata: if any(key.endswith(entry) for entry in mult_entries): mult = metadata[key] if any(key.endswith(entry) for entry in add_entries): add = metadata[key] band = reader.read_band(fname).astype(dtype)[::-1, :] band[band == 0] = np.nan band *= mult band += add band_attrs = { "long_name": BAND_TITLES[number], "units": BAND_UNITS[number], "number": number, "filename": pathlib.Path(fname).name, "scaling_mult": mult, "scaling_add": add, } data_vars[BAND_NAMES[number]] = xr.DataArray( data=band, dims=dims, coords=coords, attrs=band_attrs, name=BAND_NAMES[number], ) if region is not None: data_vars[BAND_NAMES[number]] = data_vars[BAND_NAMES[number]].sel( easting=slice(*region[:2]), northing=slice(*region[2:]) ) attrs = { "Conventions": "CF-1.8", "title": ( f"{metadata['spacecraft_id'].replace('_', ' ').title()} scene from " f"{metadata['date_acquired']} " f"(path/row={metadata['wrs_path']}/{metadata['wrs_row']})" ), } metadata_to_keep = [ "digital_object_identifier", "origin", "landsat_product_id", "processing_level", "collection_number", "collection_category", "spacecraft_id", "sensor_id", "map_projection", "utm_zone", "datum", "ellipsoid", "date_acquired", "scene_center_time", "wrs_path", "wrs_row", "mtl_file", ] attrs.update({key: metadata[key] for key in metadata_to_keep}) scene = xr.Dataset(data_vars, attrs=attrs) scene.easting.attrs = { "long_name": "UTM easting", "standard_name": "projection_x_coordinate", "units": "m", } scene.northing.attrs = { "long_name": "UTM northing", "standard_name": "projection_y_coordinate", "units": "m", } return scene
def parse_metadata(text): """ Parse key metadata from ``*_MTL.txt`` files into a dictionary. """ metadata_raw = [line.strip() for line in text] metadata = {} text_data = [ "DIGITAL_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER", "ORIGIN", "LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID", "PROCESSING_LEVEL", "COLLECTION_NUMBER", "COLLECTION_CATEGORY", "SPACECRAFT_ID", "SENSOR_ID", "MAP_PROJECTION", "DATUM", "ELLIPSOID", "DATE_ACQUIRED", "SCENE_CENTER_TIME", ] int_data = [ "WRS_PATH", "WRS_ROW", "UTM_ZONE", "REFLECTIVE_LINES", "REFLECTIVE_SAMPLES", "THERMAL_LINES", "THERMAL_SAMPLES", ] float_data = [ "ROLL_ANGLE", "SUN_AZIMUTH", "SUN_ELEVATION", "EARTH_SUN_DISTANCE", "CORNER_", "REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_", "REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_", "TEMPERATURE_MULT_BAND_", "TEMPERATURE_ADD_BAND_", ] for item in metadata_raw: for field in text_data: if item.startswith(field) and field.lower() not in metadata: metadata[field.lower()] = item.split(" = ")[-1].replace('"', "") break for field in int_data: if item.startswith(field) and field.lower() not in metadata: metadata[field.lower()] = int(item.split(" = ")[-1]) break for field in float_data: if item.startswith(field) and field.lower() not in metadata: name, value = item.split(" = ") metadata[name.lower()] = float(value) break metadata["mtl_file"] = "\n".join(text) return metadata class TarReader: """ Context manager for reading metadata and bands from a tar archive. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __enter__(self): """ Enter the context by opening the archive for reading. """ self._archive = self._members = [ for f in self._archive.getmembers()] self.metadata_files = [f for f in self._members if f.endswith("MTL.txt")] self.band_files = sorted( [f for f in self._members if".*_B[0-9]+.TIF", f) is not None] ) return self def read_metadata(self): """ Return a list of lines read from the metadata file. """ _check_metadata(self.metadata_files, self.path) with io.TextIOWrapper( self._archive.extractfile(self.metadata_files[0]) ) as fobj: metadata = parse_metadata("\n")) return metadata def read_band(self, fname): """ Read a band file using scikit-image. """ with self._archive.extractfile(fname) as fobj: band = return band def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # noqa: U100 """ Clean up the context by closing the archive. """ self._archive.close() class FolderReader: """ Context manager for reading metadata and bands from a local folder. """ def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __enter__(self): """ Enter the context by grabbing a list of files. """ self.metadata_files = list(self.path.glob("*_MTL.txt")) self.band_files = sorted(self.path.glob("*_B*.TIF")) return self def read_metadata(self): """ Return a list of lines read from the metadata file. """ _check_metadata(self.metadata_files, self.path) metadata = parse_metadata(self.metadata_files[0].read_text().split("\n")) return metadata def read_band(self, fname): """ Read a band file using scikit-image. """ band = return band def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # noqa: U100 """ No clean up needed for this context. """ pass def _check_metadata(files, path): """ Check the number of metadata files found and raise appropriate exceptions. """ if len(files) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Found {len(files)} '*_MTL.txt' files in {str(path)}. " "Only file per folder/scene is supported." ) elif len(files) < 1: raise ValueError( f"Couldn't find an '*_MTL.txt' file in {str(path)}. " "Download the corresponding file for this scene so we can read " "the metadata." )
[docs]def save_scene(path, scene): """ Save a Landsat scene to a tar archive in the USGS EarthExplorer format. Requires the scene to be in the format returned by :func:`~xlandsat.load_scene`, including all of the original metadata. The tar archive will contain the bands saved as ``*.TIF`` files in unscaled 16-bit unsigned-integers. The metadata is saved to a corresponding ``*_MTL.txt`` file. If the scene was cropped, the file metadata will be adjusted to reflect the new UTM bounding box. The lat/lon bounding box **will not be updated**. .. tip:: **Do not use this function** as a general output format for the scene unless you require compatibility with EarthExplorer. The best way to save a scene is with :meth:`xarray.Dataset.to_netcdf` since it will result in a single file with all metadata preserved. To load the saved scene, use :func:`xarray.load_dataset`. NetCDF files can also be loaded lazily with :func:`xarray.open_dataset` to avoid loading the entire scene into memory. .. note:: Only supports Landsat 8 and 9 Collection 2 Level 2 scenes. Parameters ---------- path : str or :class:`pathlib.Path` The desired path of the output tar archive. The file extension can be ``.tar`` (uncompressed) or ``.tar.gz``, ``.tar.xz``, or ``.tar.bz2`` to make a compressed archive. scene : :class:`xarray.Dataset` The scene including UTM easting and northing as dimensional coordinates, bands as 2D arrays of the given type as variables, and metadata read from the MTL file and other CF compliant fields in the ``attrs`` attribute. """ path = pathlib.Path(path) mode = "w" if len(path.suffixes) > 1: mode = f"{mode}:{path.suffixes[-1][1:]}" with, mode=mode) as archive: # Edit the bounding box of the scene # NOTE: the lat/lon information will be wrong. Fixing it would mean # adding a pyproj dependency mtl_file_original = scene.attrs["mtl_file"].split("\n") mtl_file = [] for line in mtl_file_original: if ( "CORNER_UL_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT" in line or "CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT" in line ): line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.easting.min().values}" if ( "CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT" in line or "CORNER_LR_PROJECTION_X_PRODUCT" in line ): line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.easting.max().values}" if ( "CORNER_LL_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT" in line or "CORNER_LR_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT" in line ): line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.northing.min().values}" if ( "CORNER_UL_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT" in line or "CORNER_UR_PROJECTION_Y_PRODUCT" in line ): line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.northing.max().values}" if "REFLECTIVE_LINES" in line or "THERMAL_LINES" in line: line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.dims['northing']}" if "REFLECTIVE_SAMPLES" in line or "THERMAL_SAMPLES" in line: line = line.split(" = ")[0] + f" = {scene.dims['easting']}" mtl_file.append(line) mtl_file = "\n".join(mtl_file) # Add the MTL file to the archive info = tarfile.TarInfo(f"{scene.attrs['landsat_product_id']}_MTL.txt") info.size = len(mtl_file.encode()) archive.addfile(info, fileobj=io.BytesIO(mtl_file.encode())) # Add the scenes to the archive for name in scene: band = scene[name] unscaled = (band.values - band.attrs["scaling_add"]) / band.attrs[ "scaling_mult" ] unscaled[np.isnan(unscaled)] = 0 file = io.BytesIO() file, unscaled.astype("uint16")[::-1, :], format=".tif", ) info = tarfile.TarInfo(band.attrs["filename"]) info.size = file.getbuffer().nbytes archive.addfile(info, fileobj=io.BytesIO(file.getbuffer()))