

xlandsat.plot_composite_leaflet(composite, dpi=70, leaflet_map=None, height='600px')[source]#

Display a composite as an image overlay in an interactive HTML map

Adds the composite to a Leaflet.js map, which can be displayed in a Jupyter notebook or HTML page. By default, adds a control widget for the opacity of the image overlay.

  • composite (xarray.DataArray) – A composite, as generated by xlandsat.composite.

  • dpi (int) – The dots-per-inch resolution of the image.

  • leaflet_map (ipyleaflet.Map) – A Leaflet map instance to which the image overlay will be added. If None (default), a new map will be created. Pass an existing map to add the overlay to it.

  • height (str) – The height of the map which is embedded in the HTML. Should contain the proper CSS units (px, em, rem, etc).


leaflet_map (ipyleaflet.Map) – The map with the image overlay and opacity controls added to it.