List of functions and classes (API)

List of functions and classes (API)#

Input and output#

load_scene(path[, bands, region, dtype])

Load a Landsat scene downloaded from USGS EarthExplorer.

save_scene(path, scene)

Save a Landsat scene to a tar archive in the USGS EarthExplorer format.

load_panchromatic(path[, region, dtype])

Load the panchromatic band from a USGS EarthExplorer Level 1 Landsat scene.


composite(scene[, bands, rescale_to, dtype])

Create a composite using the given bands.

equalize_histogram(composite[, kernel_size, ...])

Adaptive histogram equalization for a composite

adjust_l1_colors(composite[, percentile])

Adjust the colors in an RGB composite from Level 1 data

plot_composite_leaflet(composite[, dpi, ...])

Display a composite as an image overlay in an interactive HTML map


nbr(scene[, swir_band, nir_band])

Normalized Burn Ratio

ndvi(scene[, red_band, nir_band])

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index


pansharpen(scene, panchromatic[, weights])

Pansharpen the red, green, and blue bands of a scene.

interpolate_missing(scene[, pixel_radius, ...])

Fill missing values (NaNs) in a scene by interpolation

Sample datasets#

Functions for downloading and caching sample datasets.


Download a sample scene from after the Brumadinho tailings dam disaster


Download a sample scene from before the Brumadinho tailings dam disaster


Download a sample scene from the city of Liverpool, UK


Download a sample panchromatic band from the city of Liverpool, UK


Download a sample scene from Manaus, Brazil

datasets.fetch_momotombo([untar, level])

Download a sample scene from the December 2015 Momotombo volcano eruption


Download a sample scene from Mount Roraima surrounded by clouds


Download a sample scene from after the 08/2019 fires near Curumbá, Brazil


Download a sample scene from before the 08/2019 fires near Curumbá, Brazil